Get the trust of your team


   A leader is a real example for their team, reflecting the values of the organization. To make this real and effective, the leader must earn the trust of their team. But how can a leader win their team's trust? The best way is to access the souls of all team members and break down all the protocol borders that hinder collaboration between team members and the leader. It's not enough to simply write about the values of your business and post them on social media. You must demonstrate those values through your actions as a leader, live the values, and share them with your team. For example, if you claim that your customers are very important to you, how have you reflected that in your actions?

   The credibility of a leader in the team and the business is the most important thing that enables the team to follow, appreciate, and trust them. A leader should never make orders and demands; instead, they should adopt a participative approach within the team, with each member having a mission to complete while the leader provides coordination and proofreading.

   Secondly, a leader should listen to their team deeply and be the best friend who knows everything about them, including their personal lives. Take the time to appreciate their efforts, always look at the positive side, work hard, and take clear goals and responsibilities to resolve problems that may hinder performance. Celebrate each success that the team achieves. Before you ask your team to serve the project and achieve the best results, you must serve your team and your customer. You are not in a position to be served; instead, you are there to reflect the values of your business and act accordingly. A small action can help you gain more credibility and trust from your team and your clients, while the smallest action without caring can lose your credibility.

  Thirdly, evaluate and reconsider your leadership model. Which model have you chosen to adopt? Is it working well? What are its negative and positive aspects? Remember to share what you learn and discover about leadership with your team. This is a way to train them by practice.

   The fourth point is learning. Your team must see you as a leader who is always learning and trying to discover new things. We are living in a dynamic world that requires continuous learning to find answers to questions and overcome obstacles that may confront your team. For example:

  • How can we do our tasks better?
  • How can we do our tasks with fewer mistakes?
  • How can we do our tasks as quickly and cheaply as possible?

    It's essential to stay alive and strong in a competitive environment, where you must grow and get challenged to be strong in your community and then in the world. For this, the leader should be a creative, innovative, open-minded, and critical thinker.

     In conclusion, when your hearts are sincere, your vision is clear, your objectives are determined, and your actions reflect the values of your business, then you can be sure that the result will exceed expectations. One small action or word can make a difference. Listening, supporting, taking care of your team, and appreciating their efforts is the biggest investment you can make for the success of your project/organization.




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