Appreciating whom were reason to be rich

   Do you feel appreciated in your work environment? Do you think you need to be appreciated in order to work effectively?

   It is widely agreed that appreciating hardworking individuals and valuing their efforts is crucial, not because they are waiting for it, but because they deserve it. This encourages them to become more innovative and work as if they are working for their own company. Appreciation is also a participative approach that ensures the sharing of responsibilities among all members of the team. What do you know about this?

   The famous Indian businessman Savjibhai Dholakia, who runs the diamond export firm Hare Krishna Exports, rewarded his staff by giving them 1260 cars, 400 flats, and other rewards because he is proud of his staff. He believes that he couldn't have become successful without the hard work of his staff. Therefore, appreciating staff is crucial for the success of any organization, even the state.

    This is the difference between a boss and a leader. A leader always appreciates the efforts of their staff and says thank you for their hard work, acknowledging that they are a part of the success of the organization. In contrast, a boss tends to criticize and minimize the effort of their staff, even when they have done their best. The boss may believe that this approach will encourage staff to work harder and do their best, but in reality, this often leads to staff waiting for the best opportunity to leave.

   By nature, people like to work without pressure or criticism, and they aspire to be innovative and feel proud. Therefore, it is normal for individuals to give their best in an environment where they feel respected and appreciated for even the smallest actions that contribute to the success of the organization.

    Furthermore, appreciating others cannot come without appreciating oneself first. This is a large topic that can be discussed later.

   Remember, you would not be where you are now without the smile of the secretary of your organization who greets you every morning and contributes to every committee of your staff.

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