The right path is not the easiest one.


Everyone in life has a path to choose and live, but the beginning is always the most difficult. Choosing and finding the right path can be especially challenging because it depends on something that no one can predict with certainty: the future. Questions like how, when, and with whom can make the decision seem overwhelming.

  However, based on my experience, I would like to share a few points:

    From a distance, everything looks difficult and complicated. But once you start taking steps towards your goal, it becomes clearer and more achievable.

   As a teacher, I encourage my students to write down their questions and thoughts on paper. This helps to clarify their thinking and prepares them to answer the questions.

   It's important to focus on the task at hand and work on solving problems step by step. Don't get overwhelmed by the big picture.

    Don't expect to start with the perfect result. Everyone starts as a beginner and improves gradually over time. Focus on what you can do now and what you know, and the perfect result will come with time.

  Choosing the right path may not be easy, but taking small steps towards your goal will make it easier over time. I wish everyone a happy and fulfilling journey.

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