What is the role of a leader in a time of crisis? It's an important question to ask because leaders are responsible for any change that happens in this world, one way or another. We can call them change-makers, a better nickname for those kinds of people in our society. However, sometimes, when a dictator is in a leadership position, change can never happen because one absolute leadership style dominates and is considered the only right one without discussion. This style doesn't accept being surrounded by new leaders, and any alternative suggestion is rejected. Such a negative environment doesn't accept innovation and creativity.

     In this article, I would like to suggest one example of a leader who has demonstrated excellent leadership skills during a crisis, which is the president of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky. From the first look, we can observe many qualities that make him the hero of this article. Firstly, he provides an example of an effective leader by deciding to stay in Ukraine to protect his country. He goes down to the street and sends a message to all Ukrainians to feel relaxed and brave to fight for their country. In a time of crisis, everyone is waiting for one word or action to stop their worries.

    Mr. Zelensky has been doing a hardworking job, leading his government team to serve the Ukrainian people, and keeping the state and all its organs standing to continue and be able to solve this crisis. He has also inspired other political leaders to get engaged in fighting for the country because they are also concerned about it. That's why we've seen Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, appear to have joined the fighting forces defending the capital city of Kyiv. Taking initiative sometimes can at least embarrass others to act similarly or in other ways.

      We've seen him networking and getting international support for his country, succeeding in that, with so many countries expressing their support, others opening their doors to Ukrainian refugees, others encouraging the youth to go fight for Ukraine, others starting to donate for it, and others expressing willingness to equip with arms. All this international support and more because he absolutely believes in what he's doing, believes in his values, and acts with love towards his country.

    Let's move to communication skills and how this political leader was effective in leading the press conferences. He regularly communicates with citizens to calm them down, using determined words and expressions. Communication in a time of crisis is very important to update people about the development of the situation, giving them hope and motivating them to fight their fears and be stronger. It's also necessary to stop fake news, unite people, and send a courageous signal of resistance. We can say it's a participative methodology that also inspires youth and others to get engaged in solving the crisis.

    Furthermore, with his brilliant communication skills, he was able to touch Russian citizens and mobilize them to act against the war. There were demonstrations in Russian cities and other cities in the world to stop the war in Ukraine.

    Mr. Zelensky is an example of many other leaders who act effectively during a crisis when action is more important than words and photos. The young president has been on a successful path, accumulating enough experience in different fields and getting successes. He then engaged in politics, the unlimited world, perhaps because he also reflects the expression, "Behind every great man, there stands a woman." He was surrounded and supported by his wife, who always believes and trusts him.

    It's nice to be ambitious in leadership, but sometimes ambition without borders can make the owner lose their clear vision.

At the end, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my article in its entirety.